Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3 Month photos

We had pictures taken again to help preserve our little girl's stages of growing. These are her 3 month photos. As you'll see some hair days are better than others! :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

3 Months Old!?!?

We can't believe how much our little one is growing. Today is her 3 month birthday and I took this picture of my sleeping angels. :-)

Later it was tummy time!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Yap yap cooo yap yap

We've already mentioned how Isabella is such a morning person. She's at her happiest and now, her most talkative in the mornings. Here's a sampling.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Still growing

She's getting bigger every day. She's also becoming more responsive to things around her. It's amazing to watch human development in it's early stages!

She also watched the super bowl with us and saw first hand what I've been saying all along. Tom Brady is an average QB with an exceptional offensive supporting cast. He's received FAR too much credit for their success all year and the Giant's Defense proved just how average he really is!