Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pics from Florida....

Well, I think we are finally starting to recuperate from our trip to Florida. We were there from 10/5 until 10/18. We had a great time visiting friends in Orlando the first week and really enjoyed spending time with family the second week. Isabella was such a trooper and adjusted so well. Here are few pics from our trip.

In Orlando:

With her new friend Ansley Barnes

Good friends, Mandy, Meigan & Diego Rivera. We were at Outback celebrating Meigan's birthday!

Here we are with the Barnes & Rivera's at Outback

With our good friends Dan & Carol Warner

Isabella even met a new friend at the hotel during our week in Orlando. This is Giovanna. She is 10 days older than Isabella. We had breakfast with her and her mom several days at the hotel.

Bath time with some new pals. These belong to my friend Seliena. She was my old boss when we used to work together. :-)

Here is Isabella with Seliena's youngest, Colby. He is 6 months old.

Here we are with my good friends Seliena and Lisa, former co-workers. We all had lunch together on Friday the 10th before heading to Pensacola for a week.

In Pensacola:

Having lunch with Cousins Jonathan & Alexis and Granddaddy Reeves and Cathy.

Giving Gigi big smiles!

Loving on Gigi!

Giving Mimi sweet hugs as well!

With Aunt Ruth and Cousin Lindsay

Swinging with Cousin Alexis

In Daddy's old rocking chair with Cousin Lindsay

"He's down"! Having a little fun with Cousin Jonathan.

Just hanging with the cousins. :-) Isabella really enjoyed being with Jonathan and Lindsay for a week. They seemed to enjoy playing with her as well.

With Aunt Carol and Cousins, Gideon, Noah, Jonathan and Lindsay

Isabella's first time at the beach. She was really fascinated with the sand. I couldn't get her to look up at me when I was taking her picture.

Friday, October 03, 2008

First Tooth...

Well, Isabella's first tooth has finally decided to make an appearance. It has been trying to poke it's little white head up for about a month now. Hope you enjoy the pics that she so graciously let me take of her little mouth. :-)

You can't see her tooth in these last 2 pics but she was giving me such a great smile, I just had to add them.

Just wanted to let you all know it may be a couple of weeks until the next post. We will be heading to Florida on Sunday for two weeks. Ben has to go to Orlando for work and Isabella and I are going to join him. We will be staying with him in Orlando for the first week and showing off Isabella to all our old friends there. The second week, Isabella and I will be in Pensacola spending time with Ben's family. We are really looking forward to going to Florida and seeing friends and family. We will have tons of pictures to post when we get back.