Thursday, February 07, 2008

Yap yap cooo yap yap

We've already mentioned how Isabella is such a morning person. She's at her happiest and now, her most talkative in the mornings. Here's a sampling.


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful just like her mom and cute like her dad. We are loving every minute of seeing her. Memaw says it's like a miracle being able to see her like that. Memaw says it's not quite but almost the next best thing to being there!!! hugs and kissies all around! Love, Memaw and Aunt Adella

Anonymous said...

Good morning Isabella, Allison and Ben! The way you keep those little legs moving, I suspect you will follow in your family's tradition of running! Just keep it up and see where that gets you! It's a good thing you were not watching Mimi on the webcam while I was watching you - Or maybe you would have laughed more! Love, Mimi

Unknown said...

She is growing up quickly! They always do... Keep enjoying her.


Sarah said...

She is so, so precious!! Allison, you looked stunning when you came onto the screen! Your guys happiness comes right through the computer to put a smile on my face! Hope to see you all soon!!