This was our first full week with our niece Alexis living with us. It has been great and we feel like she has settled in fairly well. She has set up her bedroom in our basement and it looks nice and cozy.
These first few pics are from dinner the other night. We were eating stew beef and rice and Isabella seemed to be enjoying the rice a little too much. :-)

Yesterday, we went to Keystone so Alexis could go skiing. Ben, Isabella and I just enjoyed being outdoors and tried to get a glimpse of her skiing. The weather was nice yesterday and not too cold. Here are a few pics of our little girl enjoying the snow and being outside.

Our little snow bunny with daddy!

Ben wanted to get closer to see Alexis and get some pics and of course Isabella wanted to go with him. He let her walk around in the snow and she loved it. It was pretty funny watching them as I was a little ways away and she looked so tiny out there.

Here we are having a late lunch while waiting for Alexis.

Here is our snow bunny! She said she had a great time. She will definitely get to do it more now that she's here with us. :-)

This was on the way home. She was pooped.

I couldn't resist taking a pic of her little toes. She had pulled her socks off before falling asleep. I just wanted to eat them . ;-)
Here are a couple of fun videos. The first one is of her enjoying breakfast and the second one is of bath time. Enjoy!!