Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Happy Girl....

Here are some pics and a couple of videos of our fun little one. Enjoy!!

Just another day around the house...

This is before bedtime the other night. She loves laying on her teddy bears.

I have to point out the 2 bears on the right (as you are looking at the picture); the white one is made from my mom's wedding dress and the blue one is made of clothes from my dad. My sister, Amy had these made for Isabella and I for her 1st birthday. So that is her Grandma Zarra and Grandpa Rusty bears.

These next three videos were taken the same night as the ones with her playing with her bears. She was in rare form this night. :-) Enjoy!!!

She wanted to try on Daddy's KC Trail Nerds skull cap. It's a little big. :-)

These two pics are of Isabella's first tea party. We went to a play date this past Monday and it was a tea party theme. She had a lot of fun!!

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